Being a Wise Steward of an Inheritance

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In our third and final video in our Preparing the Next Generation video series, John Moore Associates financial planners Brian Cochran and Cole Leonida sit down to talk about how to best prepare a family to become wise stewards of inherited wealth. We discuss the importance of thoughtful planning and communication in protecting not just assets but values and a family legacy across generations.

As you watch, here are a few questions to think about:

  • Do you include your children and grandchildren in financial planning discussions so they can learn your financial values and principles?
  • Can you introduce your family members to your financial planner, attorney, and other key members of your team so they can ask questions and form working relationships now?
  • If your children will be inheriting a substantial sum, do they have the wisdom and experience to manage that wealth? Are there steps you can take today that will help guide them toward building those skills before the time comes?

Your family will need to sit down for a tough conversation about inheritance at some point. By being proactive, you can be part of that conversation and help to guide your children and grandchildren toward better choices and a long-lasting positive relationship to money. The financial planners at John Moore Associates can help you with this process by hosting meetings with your family, giving education and guidance to younger family members, and guiding you through the steps of estate planning.

Start the conversation by showing your loved ones this video, and the others in our series. Then take the next step by calling us toll-free at 888-815-5100 to speak with a financial planner today.

Resources in this Video

Cole Leonida
John Moore Associates

Other Videos in this Series

Part 1: Caring for Aging Family Members

Part 2: Preparing Executors and Trustees

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