Investment Management
Too Much of a Good Thing: Owning Your Employer’s Stock
While owning a piece of the company you work for can have obvious financial rewards, it can also have potentially greater risks than investing in a diversified portfolio. I have personally experienced the ups and downs of building a large portfolio of employer stock, and I learned a few things along the way: Pros 1….
Investors’ Best Approach to the New Year
Written By Brian Cochran, CFP®, Certified Kingdom Advisor® Financial Planner 2017 was a memorable year for investors. Markets around the world produced above average returns with limited volatility. US markets were exceptionally calm with positive returns every month of the year for the first time in history. The US economy is nearing a record for…
Remembering Market Volatility
Written By Brian Cochran, CFP®, Certified Kingdom Advisor® Financial Planner Log into your investment accounts or pull out your last statement. Take a look at your total balance. How would you react if that number was 5% less? What about 10% less? We have experienced a rare-though not unprecedented-period of low volatility in markets. I…
Political Ideology and Investing
Published on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Written by Brian Cochran, CFP®, CKA®, Financial Planner It is hard to watch the news, scan social media or participate in casual conversation these days without engaging in political conversations or debate. Politics has certainly infiltrated every aspect of our lives and the results are not always positive. I understand why…